7 Ways Home Care Managers Drive Caregiver Engagement There is no question that caregiver recruitment and retention is the number one priority of many...
6 Tips to Drive Engagement With Your Patient Education Platform DID YOU KNOW that over 50% of patients say that a trusted care provider could get them to use a...
The Best Patient Education Moves Beyond Information Sharing The value of using digital technology to share information with patients is not news, which is why...
Building User Trust with Thoughtful Design Think about the last time you interacted with your healthcare system — do you remember how the...
NEW in SparxConnect: Surveys At the heart of a personalized experience is knowing what matters most to people, and the only way...
Team Communication in Home Care: Choosing the Right Tool For The Job Home care is a relationship business. Your success depends on being in direct contact with your...
Hold the Phone: Answer the Top 8 Caregiver Calls Before They Happen You’re the care manager for a busy home care agency with 60 staff under your wing. You need to...
Ready to Level Up on Person-Centered Care? See How Technology Can Help Person-centered care is not a new concept, but the benefits - for the individual, the family, the...
Making a Case for Person-Centered Care By 2050, in the U.S., there will be 85 million people over 65, and over 75% will require in-home...